
If you would like to help with our projects please send any donation funds to:

PO Box 242
Waterville, Kansas 66548

A 1925 wooden caboose in Waterville has had sidng replaced on the south side but could use new siding on the north side.

There are ongoing expenses to maintain approximately 12 miles of track, including the cost of chemicals for spraying.

There are expenses involved with maintaining this web site and the productionn of our newsletter. Additionally we print a brochure that is handed out to our ride participants. An annual donation of $20 to support our publicity fund is greatly appreciated..

We are in the process of refurbishing our passenger cars. Future plans include a construction of larger cars to accomodate more guests.

Please call us with any questions. We love to talk railroad! Ann Walter (785) 363-2343 and/or Larry Moon (785) 485-2976

MCRHS is a 501c3 not for profit corporation.
All donations are tax deductible.